Dahlia Bouquet Delivery
Our Dahlia Bouquets are arranged with fresh cut flowers grown right in our gardens from August thru October.
Bouquets are made to order. We will cut, hydrate and arrange your flowers so they are as fresh as possible.
Petite $35
Classic $55
Grand $75
Delivery to Georgetown or Lexington $10
Deliveries are available to Lexington and Georgetown Monday - Friday. Please place your order one day ahead. If you would like to pick up your bouquet at the farm, please email us to order.
Each bouquet is presented in a wrap with a hydration pack. Due to the high temperature conditions we recommend someone to be available to receive the flowers upon arrival. A note may be added. Please leave delivery information and message for the card at checkout.
If you are interested in a custom bouquet, please email us for more information.
Email: carly@inbloomcutflowers.com with any additional questions
To reach us for special requests or last minute orders.